"After thirty years I've become my fears I've become the kind of man I always hated"
A bit strong that, but I didn't write it (James - "Come Home"). I guess I am a corprate "suit" now so it sort of applies. So thirty tomorrow then*, how did we get here then? Ah yes, the relentless march of age. That'd do it.So how do I feel about it? Well I'd rather not be 30, but to be honest (and to roll out a cliche) it is just a number. Far bigger and more life changing events occured in my 20s such as:
- Met Bec
- Graduated Uni
- Emigrated from Lincoln
- Bought a house
- Got a Mortgage and now owe the bank lots of money
- Got engaged
- Sold a house
- Got another mortgage and owe the bank even more money
- Married Bec
- Became a Father
- That one, yeah that one you're thinking of, how could I miss that one? Sorry.
See what I mean? Just a number. Regrets? Yeah I've had a few, but then again to few to menshun (Sid Vicious - "My Way"). Maybe I doth protest too much, we'll see on Friday when it stops being theory and starts being practice.
In summary "I am so much older than I can take" (The Killers - "All These Things That I've Done") but I'm OK with it.
"If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings -- nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -- Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And -- which is more -- you'll be a Man, my son!"
(Rudyard Kipling - "If")So, who is for Jelly + Ice Cream?
* Unless we don't count birthdays in 2000 as that number is mainly zeros so it's pretty much not a number, ergo not a year, ergo not a valid birthday! Which makes me still 29. (courtesy of @Rickleton)
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