- Never Mind the Bollocks by Sex Pistols
- Not Everybody Gets a Happy Ending by Die So Fluid
- Nine Destinies and a Downfall by Sirenia
- Now, Diabolical by Satyricon
- Number of The Beast by Iron Maiden

First off, there is that opening to the album...What can you say about "Smells Like Teen Spirit" that hasn't already been said? Not a lot, but I'll try anyway. It was one of the songs of being a teenager in the nineties, completely defining. Around the millenium when I was a student in Manchester, no matter what nightclub you stumbled into it was pretty much a given that "Teen Spirit" would be played as the token rock track.
The rest of the album is quality too, for me the only slightly iffy track is "Lounge Act" but that's only slightly. I think I've mentioned this before, but in this age of mp3 and cds ripped to iPods and the like, hidden tracks can really ruin the last song on albums and "Something in the Way" doesn't get the plays it deserves due to "Endlesss, Nameless" causing it to clock in at 20 minutes+.
"Drain You", "Territorial Pissings", "Breed"
Man, that was one of my first CD's I ever got. I also feel compelled to point out that you could rip the tracks from CD and use appropriate software to split the last track and the bonus into two tracks. (Obviously amending all the details on the file to aid organisation too) It's a bit fiddly, so I guess you need to really like the bonus track!